Top 10k strings from Reversi (1983)(CDS Microsystems)[a].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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2 revcode 0* 2 PLEASE WAIT 2 1 o=pepXi_ifimiti{i 1 n)n2nIn\npnvn 1 i"i(i.i4i:i@iFiLiRi 1 `xg<e>e@eBeDeFeHeJe 1 _ e"e$e&e(e*e`g.e 1 WHAT ABOUT 1 To make a move enter a number between 11 and 88. The first digit from the left and the second from below. Enter 00 if you cannot move and the computerwill check. 1 The game is played on an 8x8 board by two players. One plays black and the other plays white.To make a move a player must trap one or more of the opponents pieces in up to eight directions. The winner is the player with the most pieces at the end of the game. The score is displayed on the right of the screen.The computerplays black or white and moves in around twenty seconds. 1 SAVING COMPLETED 1 REVERSI e 1 PRESS ENTER. 1 PRESS ENTER 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO SAVE REVERSI 1 ENTER B OR W 1 Do you want to: 1 BLACK ALWAYS MOVES FIRST. WILL YOU PLAY BLACK OR WHITE? 1 ;"REVERSI.P ": 1 ;"REVERSI.L " 1 ;"REVERSI" 1 Select 1-4 1 REVERSI IS LOADING PLEASE WAIT " 1 1983 CDS MICRO SYSTEMS 1 4: See the instructions 1 3: Watch the computer 1 2: Play another person 1 1: Play against the computer 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVERSI 1